Disaster Financial Resilience – to Fuel Readiness & Recovery – Fast, Safe, with Dignity.
In disaster, essentials are pre-positioned to act ASAP - water, food, electricity trucks. Money is also an essential to response & recovery, but too often the people who need the money most, too often receive it last - delaying recovery and often decimating entire neighborhoods. Money to get safe, stabilize in temporary housing, and finally to rebuild.
Fintech plays a unique role in leveraging the latest tech and Al to deliver funds in all stages of disaster - to the Right Person. Right Time. Right Purpose - Fast, safe, with dignity, in minutes vs months. Plus, this FinTech provides "accountable giving" - optional guardrails, and data (aggregated, anonymized) to greatly speed, simplify & streamline accounting, and audits, and to reduce waste, fraud, & abuse - hot topics for non-profits and elected officials in Fed, State, Local government.