Technological Time Machine: How Modern Technology Could Have Changed the Past & Can Shape the Future
05 Mar 2025
Seminar Theater 1
What if we could revisit the most devastating natural disasters of the past – armed with today’s technology? Explore how advancements in license
plate reader technology, live cameras, and traffic analytics could have impacted the response and recovery phases of past disasters. From the 1989
Loma Prieta earthquake, to the 2018 Camp Fire, we’ll inspect through a contemporary lens, asking: How can we better equip responders with
cutting-edge technology to handle the disasters of tomorrow?
plate reader technology, live cameras, and traffic analytics could have impacted the response and recovery phases of past disasters. From the 1989
Loma Prieta earthquake, to the 2018 Camp Fire, we’ll inspect through a contemporary lens, asking: How can we better equip responders with
cutting-edge technology to handle the disasters of tomorrow?