John Wright
John Wright
Vice President Sales, Spectra Watermakers
Volunteer WASH Disaster Team Lead and Technical Advisor, World Hope International
John is a lifelong Outdoor Enthusiast, Hiker, Climber and Backcountry enthusiast. A Graduate of the National Outdoor Leadership school, he has a skillset that allows safety & comfort in remote, austere conditions - a skillset that translated well to Disaster Response and the austere conditions after a disaster.
A professional in the world or water infrastructure equipment manufacturing, he uses water know-how to make drinking water equipment solutions and portable desalination gear for Disaster and Humanitarian Development projects globally.
A veteran of numerous disasters he has over 1,000 unit-hours of operating portable desalination equipment solutions to make drinking water for those in need after disasters. John serves as a Technical Consultant, 1st In Water Operator, Trainer, WASH Team Lead and Team Chef when called upon.
05-Mar-2025Seminar Theater 1Drinking Water Solutions for Disaster Readiness & Response. Portable Reverse Osmosis